Healing the complex wounds of Betrayal Trauma with Songs, the Stories behind them, and Tools that Transform your Pain into Peace and Joy
Hello Friend! I am Stacey Anne Fitzgerald...and I'm here to help you understand WHY you feel the way you feel...and HOW you can feel better.
There is no judgement here because...
I experienced BETRAYAL in the key relationships of my life - as a child and an adult.
I've walked this road to Becoming Safe, so I know YOU can feel SAFE too!
And this DESIGN is within your Nervous System, made to alert you and move you
FROM stress, fear, anger, hurt, and pain,
TO calm, safe, secure, free, and capable.
Yet maybe you FEEL like your Nervous System had gone haywire!!
I hear you!: "So...WHY do I FEEL so broken!?!"
I felt the same way!
In the winter of 2021 I had what some might call a "breakdown". Click on the video below to hear what happened to me and how that "breakdown" became the beginning of my beautiful "BREAK-THROUGH" in restoring my true self - spirit, soul and body.
SO THAT...you can show up for yourself and others and offer the unique GIFT of YOU to this world from a place of WHOLENESS and JOY!
YOU have SO much to give!
Don't stay STUCK another day!
SO, what does "SAFE" feel like??
Scan the list of words and feelings below to see if YOU feel "SAFE" or "unSAFE":
Have you ever felt unSAFE: insecure, fearful, captive, stuck, unworthy, lost and unsure? Panic attacks, sky-high heart rate, uncontrollable thoughts, shameful emotional outburts, hyper-vigilant, anxious, depressed, loss of confidence, lack of trust for your own intuition, abused, used, taken advantage of, less than, never enough or too much?! What about physical symptoms? IBS, body aches, migraines, insomnia, autoimmune disorders, overweight, addictions, degenerative disdease?
Do you long to feel SAFE: secure and free, at the same time? At home in your body - healthy, vibrant, energetic, calm and alert, capable and strong? At peace in your soul - a quiet mind, clear thoughts, a confident will, able to make sound choices, strong yet enjoyable emotions, awake and easy feelings? Complete & whole in your spirit - your true self and identity in the image of your Creator?
Can you imagine... a life where you no longer feel controlled and taken captive by your emotions and circumstances? A life where fear no longer rules your mind, hijacks your emotions, and dictates your next move?A life where you are free to love and be loved? Where you are free to say Yes and to say No and still feel valuable and cherished?
Welcome to my story-telling musical experience of healing symptoms of Complex PTSD associated with multiple life-altering traumatic events. Can you see YOUR STUFF in MY STORIES?
* EARLY CHILHOOD PATTERNS - my parents' divorce when I was 4 years old
* TRAUMATIC EVENTS - a near death horse accident at the age of 20
* UNHEALHTY COPING MECHANISMS AND HABITS - my adolescent and adult battle with disordered eating
* HOPES LOST AND DREAMS SHATTERED - marriage at 18 and divorce 20 years later
* BETRAYAL AND RELATIONAL TURMOIL - the ongoing wounds and resultant scars in my body and on my soul from sexual infidelity in my marriage, and the betrayal trauma that resurfaced decades later
Your pain CAN take you somewhere beautiful...I promise you!
You are never abandoned, you are never broken, and you are always loved.
Becoming Safe is a one-step-at-a-time walk in the Direction of Love.
Love between You and Your Creator.
Love for yourself and others.
I am on this path of Becoming Safe....
And I'd like to invite you to join me...
...hand in hand, through the ups and downs and twists and turns of life!
What YOU get when you join Becoming Safe:
* 10+ hours of video footage!
stories behing the songs, live performances, transformational tools & more
* 12 MP3s with a growing library! - my original songs, listen & download
* Lyric & Chord Chart pdf downloads for every song!
PLUS journaling questions so you can dig deeper into your own stories and healing
AND lists of the resources I personally dug into for my own healing
In Becoming Safe, you will FEEL safe as you listen to my SONGS and STORIES as hearing them will give you the COURAGE to find your healing within your own stories.
You may feel VALIDATED and UNDERSTOOD for the first time!
I will show you HOW I learned to regulate my Nervous System with TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOLS that are easy to use right now, right where you are.
I will share some FOUNDATIONAL KEY CONCEPTS that bring understanding to WHY you feel WHAT you feel, and give you the CONFIDENCE that you too can navigate through past wounds and traumas as well as the present and future ups and downs of life
SO THAT you can be...
and FREE!
Becoming Safe has been my experience!
Why not join me, and together we can make it yours!
here for you whenever you need
ongoing content releases
with Hebraic insights
Sign up to get immediate and ongoing lifetime access to all the content below...
Below is what you will have immediate access to when you sign up today:
Regulation 101 -4 exercises for you to bring immediate calm to your nervous system and restore peace to your body, mind and emotions so that you can function and not freak out!
My 3 Brains - understand WHY you feel the way you feel and react the way you do so that you can recognize what's happening to you in the moment of stress and access your logic & reason!
The Timeline Tool - so that you can turn your "symptoms" and painful life-stories into stepping-stones for mending the wounds in your soul!
The 10-Point Scale - so that you find your "calm/alert" during stress, eliminate overwhelm, and actually learn, thrive, and grow instead of sabotaging yourself with old hurtful patterns!
Near-Death Horse Accident - how I lived through an hour alone, crushed and bleeding, dragging myself down a dirt road.
Victorious Battle with Disordered Eating - how this unhealthy coping mechanism started, what it was really about, and how I finally got free!
Marriage at 18, Betrayal, and Divorce - how trying to do everything "right" finally caught up with me, opened my eyes to why I was in a broken relationship, and gave me the courage to grow, heal, and leave, finding mySelf in the midst of the rubble.
My Parents' Divorce when I was 4 Yrs Old - how this childhood upheaval set the stage for my anxious/avoidant relationship style, "co-dependant" tendencies, and ultimately my need to release, re-parent myself, and return to the true ME.
Story Behind the Song Video - so you can go behind the scene and discover the situation, emotion, or question that inspired the creation of the song!
Live Version Video - so you can hear the song in it's raw original form as if you are sitting with me in my studio!
Transformational Tool video - so you can keep feeling safe and safer with a new tool for your soul healing tool-box connected to each song!
Downloads of MP3, Lyrics, and Chord Chart - so you can listen, read, journal and even play along!
10,000 HOURS
Books, Websites, Podcasts, YouTube Channels, and Methods that have helped me the most!
Support for your Body - regulating your physical responses... bringing peace, calm, and a felt sense of safety.
Support for your Soul - restoring your mind, will, & emotions... establishing lifegiving thoughts, choices, and feelings.
Support for your Spirit - reconnecting with Your Creator... building trust in the Great I Am and fidning who YOU really are!
Receive an invite to a private Facebook Group where you can connect via live videos with Stacey, ask questions, meet fellow members, get updates, and find support in a safe space!
(not on FB? no worries! more ways to connect live coming soon!)
Get immediate access to the stories, the songs, and the support...
* Mother * Wife * Child of the Most High *
* Nutritionist * Horse Trainer * Singer/Songwriter *
A survivor to the core, Stacey studied at American Health Science Universtiy after her near-death horse accident and subsequent reconstructive surgeries, bone infection, and downward spiral from pharmaceutical overload. Over 30 years later, she teaches from her own experiences of successes and setbacks, and has been led of the Ruach (Spirit) to develop classes helping His People regain a felt sense of Being Safe - spirit, soul, and body - and realign their own wellness with the Father and His Word. Her heart is to simplify health and wellness, and to bring an understanding to the affects of complex trauma in life, so that others can be free FROM fear, unhealthy relationships, dis-ease, strongholds, addictions, and years of misinformation and less than best choices, and free TO live an abundant life - Safe and Secure, Eternally!
Simply sign up below now to join this experience using our CHOOSE-YOUR-OWN-PRICE OFFER,
as we never want finances to be a hindrance to joining and receiving all that Becoming Safe has to offer you!
(Your information will NOT be shared anywhere!)
For support or help contact sfitzgeraldCN@gmail.com